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Announcement: Introducing HL8520E: 16V, 20A Advanced Hot-Swap/E-Fuse

48-Pin 8-Bit Microcontroller with 32KB Flash Memory


The CPU is an ultra-high performance and high speed microcontroller. The pipelined architecture makes the CPU 10 times faster than the standard architecture. This performance can also be exploited to great advantage in low power application in which core can be clocked over ten times slower than original implementation without performance loss.

The CPU is fully compatible with industry standard 8051 microcontroller, maintaining all instruction mnemonics and binary compatibility. It incorporates some great architectural enhancements, allowing the CPU instructions execution with high performance and high speed. The arithmetic section of the processor performs extensive data manipulation and is comprised of an 8-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU), an ACC (0xE0) register, B(0xF0) register and PSW (0xD0) register.

The device has three separated address spaces for program memory and data memory. The program memory is on-chip, re-programmable FLASH memory an contains up to 32K bytes spaces. The data memory is 1K bytes of external RAM, 256 bytes IDM with 128 bytes x 4 pages of SFR which can be read and written

For more detailed description of the device, please download a product brief.


  • CPU
    • High speed and high performance 1T 8051-based CPU
      • 100% software compatible with industry standard 8051
      • Pipeline RISC architecture enables to execute instructions 10 times faster than standard 8051
      • Up to 65.3824MHz clock operation
  • Memories
    • 1K bytes XRAM
    • 256 bytes internal Data Memory (IDM) SRAM
    • 32K bytes FLASH with high endurance
      • Minimum100,000 program/erase cycles
      • Minimum 10 years data retention
      • 512 Byte page size
    • Programmable read only level for software security
  • Clock Management
    • Internal oscillator: 8MHz±2% @ 4V~5.5V
    • Internal oscillator with PLL : 65.3824 / 63.85 / 60.019 / 52.357 MHz
    • Crystal input with 8MHz
    • Internal oscillator: 32KHz ± 50% @ 4V~5.5V
  • Power Management
    • One Sleep mode for power saving
  • Interrupt Management
    • 12 interrupt sources
    • 2 external interrupt sources
  • Reset Management
    • Power On Reset (POR)
    • Low Voltage Reset (LVR)
    • Pad Reset (PAD_RST)
    • Watchdog Reset (WDT_RST)
    • Software Reset (S/W_RST)
    • FLASH Access Error Reset (ADDR_ERR_RST)
  • Programmable Watchdog Timer
    • A time-base generator
    • An event timer
    • System supervisor

For more information or a full datasheet request, please contact the factory at

Block Diagram

HL6501 - HMI Main Photo